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Apa Itu Anemia ???

Anemia lebih dikenal masyarakat sebagai penyakit kurang darah. Penyakit ini rentan dialami oleh balita, wanita hamil, wanita, dan para pekerja pada umumnya. Ada dua tipe anemia yang dikenal selama ini yaitu anemia gizi dan non-gizi.

Anemia gizi adalah keadaan kurang darah akibat kekurangan zat gizi yang diperlukan untuk pembentukan serta produksi sel-sel darah merah, baik kualitas maupun kuantitasnya.

Anemia gizi itu sendiri ada beberapa macam, yaitu:
  1. anemia gizi besi,terjadi karena kekurangan pasokan zat besi (Fe). Zat besi merupakan inti molekul hemoglobin yang merupakan unsur utama dalam sel darah merah. Jadi, kekurangan pasokan zat besi bisa menyebabkan menurunnya produksi hemoglobin.
  2. anemia gizi vitamin E, vitamin E merupakan faktor esensial bagi integritas sel darah merah. Kekurangan vitamin E dapat mengakibatkan integritas dinding sel darah merah menjadi lemah dan tidak normal sehingga sangat sensitif terhadap hemolisis (pecahnya sel darah merah)
  3. anemia gizi asam folat, sering disebut juga dengan anemia megaloblastik atau makrositik. Dalam hal ini keadaan sel darah merah penderita tidak normal dengan ciri-ciri bentuknya lebih besar, jumlahnya sedikit, dan belum matang.
  4. anemia gizi vitamin B12 atau disebut juga pernicious. Gejalanya mirip dengan gejala pada anemia gizi asam folat, tetapi disertai dengan gangguan pada sistem pencernaan bagian dalam.
  5. anemia gizi vitamin B6 atau disebut juga siderotic. Keadaannya mirip dengan anemia gizi besi, tetapi jika darah dites di laboratorium, serum besinya normal.

Anemia non-gizi bisa terjadi akibat pendarahan, seperti luka akibat kecelakaan, haid, atau penyakit darah yang bersifat genetis seperti thalasemia (kerusakan DNA), hemofilia (kelainan pembekuan darah), dan lain-lain.

  1. Mengalami 4 L (lemah, lesu, letih, dan lelah).
  2. Wajah pucat.
  3. Anggota badan seperti tangan dan kaki merasa kesemutan.
  4. Mata berkunang-kunang.
  5. Jantung berdegup kencang.
  6. Kurang bergairah.

  1. Kekurangan zat besi sehingga secara seluler terjadi pengecilan ukuran sel darah merah (microcytic). Hal itu menyebabkan rendahnya kandungan hemoglobin (hypochromic) dan berkurangnya jumlah sel darah merah.
  2. Kekurangan asam folat dan atau vitamin Bn. Kedua zat tersebut diperlukan dalam pembentukan nukleoprotein untuk proses pematangan sel darah merah dalam sumsum tulang.
  3. Kekurangan vitamin B12 dan disertai gangguan pada sistem pencernaan bagian dalam. Pada jenis yang kronis bisa merusak sel-sel otak dan asam lemak menjadi tidak normal serta posisinya pada dinding sel jaringan saraf berubah. Dikhawatirkan, penderita akan mengalami gangguan kejiwaan.
  4. Kekurangan vitamin B5 akan mengganggu sintesis (pembentukan) hemoglobin. Penanganan gizinya bisa dilakukan dengan memberikan suplemen vitamin B6 secara oral dengan dosis 50-200 mg/hari atau sesuai anjuran dokter gizi.

  1. Mengonsumsi bahan makanan sumber utama zat besi, asam folat, vitamin B6, dan vitamin B12 seperti daging dan sayuran sesuai kecukupan gizi yang dianjurkan.
  2. Melakukan tes laboratorium untuk mengetahui kandungan B12 dalam darah sehingga bisa membedakan antara anemia biasa dengan anemia pernicious. Bila ternyata kadar vitamin B12 normal, maka dapat dilakukan pemberian asam folat dengan dosis 0,1-1,0 mg/hari.
  3. Melakukan tes darah secara rutin untuk melihat profil darah dan mencegah terjadinya anemia.

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Apa Itu AIDS ???

AIDS atau Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome adalah suatu sindrom “serbuan” penyakit-penyakit terhadap tubuh akibat menurunnya sistem kekebalan. AIDS disebabkan oleh Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

AIDS merupakan kelanjutan dari HIV pada tingkatan yang lebih parah dan berbahaya. Lemahnya sistem imun pada tubuh penderita AIDS membuatnya rentan mengalami infeksi oportunistik.

Infeksi oportunistik adalah suatu infeksi yang disebabkan oleh organisme dengan mencari kesempatan untuk menyerang orang yang memiliki kekebalan tubuh yang buruk. Beberapa contoh di antaranya kanker, pneumonia (PCP), sarkoma kaposi, penurunan berat badan yang drastis, gangguan daya ingat, dan tuberkulosis (TBC).

Virus itu sebenarnya tidak menyebabkan kematian. Kematian utamanya terjadi akibat infeksi oportunistik karena kekebalan tubuh yang rendah. HIV secara perlahan menurunkan sel-sel dalam sistem kekebalan tubuh (CD4) dari tingkat CD4 normal sebesar 1000. Selama 5-7 tahun jumlah CD4 akan terus menurun hingga mencapai di bawah 200 dan menimbulkan gejala.
Setelah seseorang terinfeksi HIV, virus tersebut akan bersembunyi dalam sel darah putih, terutama sel-sel limfosit 14. Ada tiga fase infeksi virus HIV yang akan terjadi dalam tubuh penderita yaitu sebagai berikut.

Pada tahap awal infeksi HIV biasanya tidak terlihat gejala. Seseorang dapat mengidap HIV selama bertahun-tahun tanpa menyadarinya. Tes darah akan menunjukkan antibodi setelah virus terbentuk dalam melawan virus AIDS. Akan tetapi, itu pun memerlukan waktu hingga tiga bulan sebelum antibodi terbentuk. Artinya, bila seseorang melakukan tes darah segera setelah ia melakukan hubungan seks dengan orang yang mengidap HIV/AIDS, misalnya, virus belum akan terlihat hingga tiga bulan mendatang.

Penderita akan mengalami sakit yang tidak terlalu parah. Pada tahap ini virus berkembang dalam sel darah putih dan menghancurkannya. Saat hampir semua sel dihancurkan, sistem kekebalan tubuh juga ikut hancur, dan tubuh juga menjadi lemah. Beberapa gejala yang mungkin akan terlihat di antaranya adalah penderita mulai merasa lelah dan berat badan menurun. Ada kemungkinan mereka juga akan mengalami batuk, diare, demam, atau berkeringat di malam hari.

Gejala penyakit sudah semakin parah karena virus HIV hampir menghancurkan seluruh sistem kekebalan tubuh. Tubuh akan mengalami kesulitan, bahkan tidak mampu lagi untuk melawan bakteri. Inilah fase seseorang mengidap AIDS. Selain itu, penderita juga dapat terkena sejenis kanker yang disebut sarkoma Kaposi (kanker pembuluh darah). Padaumumnya, AIDS tidak akan membunuh penderitanya, tetapi infeksi penyakit lain dan kankerlah yang melakukannya. Pengidap HIV/AIDS yang terkena flu akan lebih terancam jiwanya, dibandingkan dengan orang lain yang tidak mengidap HIV/AIDS.

  1. Berhubungan intim dengan penderita HIV atau orang yang tidak diketahui terkena HIV.
  2. Berganti-ganti pasangan.
  3. Berhubungan intim dengan pekerja seks.
  4. Berbagi jarum suntik, baik penggunaan jarum secara bersamaan untuk penindikan, pemakaian narkoba, atau membuat tato.
  5. Korban kekerasan seksual, misalnya akibat diperkosa oleh penderita HIV.
  6. Mengalami penyakit menular seksual lainnya seperti herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, atau hepatitis.
  7. Ibu yang mengalami HIV rentan menularkan HIV pada anak yang dikandung.

  1. Tetap setia pada pasangan, tidak berganti-ganti pasangan.
  2. Mencegah penularan HIV dari ibu ke anak. HIV yang ditularkan ibu kepada anaknya terjadi saat kehamilan, melahirkan, dan menyusui. Jika seorang wanita hamil yang terinfeksi HIV mendapatkan pengobatan antivirus sejak dini dan secara teratur selama kehamilannya, kemungkinan penularan HIV pada bayi yang dikandung akan berkurang drastis. Tidak semua bayi yang dilahirkan dari ibu yang positif HIV akan tertular HIV juga. Jika 100 ibu yang terinfeksi HIV masing-masing melahirkan satu bayi, rata-rata 30 bayi akan tertular HIV. Rata-rata virus akan ditularkan pada 5 bayi selama kehamilan, 15 lagi pada saat persalinan, dan 10 bayi melalui ASI. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting bagi setiap wanita hamil untuk mengetahui apakah dirinya positif HIV atau tidak (terutama bagi mereka yang hidupnya berisiko tinggi untuk terkena HIV/AIDS). Pemeriksaan dini sangat penting, untuk mengurangi risiko bayinya tertular HIV/AIDS dari ibunya.
  3. Konseling merupakan komponen penting dari penanggulangan epidemi AlDS. Orang yang terinfeksi atau terpengaruh oleh HIV, memerlukan informasi, saran, dan dukungan untuk mengatasi keadaannya. Lebih jauh lagi, konseling individual mengenai cara memerhatikan dan merawat diri serta orang lain, dapat membantu mencegah terjadinya penyebaran HIV/AIDS.
  4. Melakukan tes mandiri jika melakukan hubungan seks secara aktif dan berganti-ganti pasangan.

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    Lee Min Ho

    Lee Min Ho is a Korean actor who is one of the players' Boys Over Flowers. In BBF, he served as Gu Jun-pyo, together with other actors Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Bum, Kim Joon, and of course Koo Hye Sun as the pair co-star in the drama which is also called Boys Over Flowers this. Handsome guy born in 1987, turned out to have a myriad of achievements, ranging from starring in television shows, to commercials and even movies. Profile Lee Min Ho on BBF drama also took him to the prestigious award.

    Biodata Lee Min Ho
    Name: Lee Min Ho
    • Profession: Actor
    • Date of Birth: June 22, 1987
    • Height: 185cm
    • Zodiac: Cancer
    • Blood: A
    • Shoe size: 265mm

    Photo Lee Min Ho 

    TV Shows
    • Boys Over Flowers (KBS2, 2009)
    • But I Do not Know too (MBC, 2008)
    • I'm as Heo Mo Se Sam (KBS2, 2007)
    • Mackerel Run (SBS, 2007)
    • Secret Campus (EBS, 2006)
    • Love Hymn (MBC, 2005) 

    • Our School E.T (2008)
    • Public Enemy Returns (2008)
    • Humming (2007)
    • Charcoal (2006)
    • Ghost Lives (2004)
    • Repechage (1997) 

    The 45th Baeksang Arts Awards: Best New Actor Boys Over Flowers (2009)

    Star Ads
    1. Etude House (2009)
    2. Cass Beer (2009)
    3. Dunkin 'Donuts (2009)
    4. Cadillac CTS (2009)
    5. Samsung Anycall (2009)
    6. Market 0 (2009)
    7. LG Telecom (2009)
    8. Trugen (2009)

    Drama Boys Over Flowers

    Lee Min Hoo, Jun Pyo, a leader of the F4 and the heir to the Shinhwa Group, a business started by his family. Is his trademark curly hair. He was accustomed to doing whatever he likes whenever he likes and often make others resentful by nature that is too open and to the point. Gu Jun-pyo was raised by company officials, parents, because parents do not have time for her. So naturally, Jun Pyo interested in family warmth Jan-On the normal. Although at first he was not interested in Jan-On because it is not rich, but eventually he fell in love with personal Jan-Di.

    Name Lee Min Hoo became soar thanks to the movie Boys Over Flowers (never aired on tv Indonesia) He serves as Jun Pyo besides that he also played in the Personal Taste as Jeon Ho Jin (MBC, 2010) had also aired a UK Tv Indonesia. Lee Min Ho is the most expensive artist in South Korea, after he began filming Boys Over Flowers.
    In 2011 he was he also starred in the latest Korean drama titled didrama City Hunter where he was appearing macho. Because its role, Lee Yoon Sung, secret agents who need a more masculine image.
    Name Lee Min Hoo became soar thanks to the movie Boys Over Flowers (never aired on tv Indonesia) He serves as Jun Pyo besides that he also played in the Personal Taste as Jeon Ho Jin (MBC, 2010) had also aired a UK Tv Indonesia. Lee Min Ho is the most expensive artist in South Korea, after he began filming Boys Over Flowers.
    In 2011 he was he also starred in the latest Korean drama titled didrama City Hunter where he was appearing macho. Because its role, Lee Yoon Sung, secret agents who need a more masculine image.

    for those who do not understand english, I have provided a translator at the right side

    What relationship with Kim Bum health articles:

    Answer: For Someone Who Seeing his idol, thought they would be jerni, their hearts will be quiet, which makes them to think positively, learn more please look at
    HERE about the benefits of thinking posotif

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    Kim Bum

    Fans of actor Kim Bum So Yi Jung Korean F4 in Mega Drama Asia Indosiar Boys Over Flowers this time will be given a collection of photographs accompanied by Kim Bum profile. His thousand-watt smile emang make any girl melt hehe. Kim Bum (Kim Sang Bum was born on July 7, 1989) is a South Korean actor who has appeared in numerous television series and dramas such as Korea Unstoppable High Kick and East of Eden. However, his name began rising after the role play So Yi Jung in popular boys before flowers. He said the Kim Bum has not had a girlfriend loh, ganteng2 wah yah do not have a girlfriend? Here is some info about Kim Bum.

    childhood, Kim Bum very happy watching television, particularly music and film events. He also often provides a critique of the films he watched. Well, true talent entertainers have seen from the small, ya!

    • Career Kim Bum began when she starred in High Kick (2006), but his name skyrocketed when he played in drama East of Eden and of course, Boys Over Flowers!

    • The guy who has a sweet smile is a hobby really play football. He joined the school football team and occupy the position of striker. Kim Bum was idolized Cristiano Ronaldo.

    • Nah just football and acting, Kim Bum is also good at playing the piano. His expertise was never he exhibited when performing in the F4 Special which aired on KBS television station.

    • Personality Kim Bum with So Yi Jung on Boys Over Flowers is very much different. "I'm shy, easy to join the baseball people, and somewhat less attention beautiful woman," he said modestly. (Onyit: Huh? The sihh??)

    • Friend for Kim Bum is essential. If it is too late, usually Kim Bum directly gathered with his friends. Whether just hanging out, laughing, or chatting.

    • Kim Bum claim to have never had a girlfriend in his life. "But if a girlfriend, I wanted her to cook and make lunch for me. Usually due to a solid shooting schedule, I often forget to eat lunch. "He said. (Onyit: Eating lunch Onyit artificial aja want baseball? Specials, lhoooo!)

    • Recently, Kim Bum just stop the contract in a war movie that is still in the process of filming, titled 71. The reason, filming schedule was very intensive shooting schedule clashed with the drama Dream. Shhh .. to play this Dream, Kim Bum devoted to learning two kinds of sport martial arts, you know!

    • Kim Bum was chosen by Nintendo to appear in advertisements Mario Kart Wii game. Clearly, this is an honor for Kim Bum, because Nintendo is known as a brand that only choose artists who are well known and international’s labels

    Kim Bum was born in Korea, where Kim Sang Bum. Kim Bum is the name of the artist. Kim Bum was born in Korea on July 7, 1989.
    2006 : Unstoppable High Kick! as Kim Bum/김범
    2006 : Rainbow Romance 236
    2006 : Rude Woman as 지후/ Ji Hoo
    2008-2009 : East of Eden as Young Lee Dong-cheol
    2009 : Boys Over Flowers as 소이정 /So Yi Jeong

    Kim Bum also never played in several films, namely:
    2007 : I Like it Hot as Lee Ho-jae
    2008 : Death Bell as Kang Hyeon
    2009 : Sex and The city as Lee Jung

    SHOW with Shim Eun Kyeong
    Spris Catalogue with Go Ara
    LG Telecom Teenring
    Samsung Haptic with Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Joon and Son Dam Bi
    Anycall Bodyguard with Kim So Eun
    Mario Kart (Wii)
    We Live in OZ (WE START) with Kim Kibum, Lee Yeon Hee, Kim Min Ji, Yoo Seung Ho and Choi Ara

    2007.12.21 Korea MNET Summer break 20s choice – Sexiest Award (with 김혜성)
    2008 DK Inki Award
    2009 Key To Nineja’s heart

    kim bum to Indonesia to meet fans.

    Kim Bum is one of the series players 'Boys Over Flowers' (BFF). He visited Indonesia to meet with his fans in the ground water.

    Kim Bum is wearing a white shirt, gray blazer and white pants held a news conference at the Sands, Mangga Dua Square, Friday, August 6, 2010.

    Throughout held a news conference, Kim Bum does not stop smiling. No wonder if he was nicknamed 'The Killer Smile' (death smiles). Meaning smile, according to Kim Bum, because he was always thinking positive.

    Kim Bum was pleased with the reception fans in Indonesia. "When I landed, I was warmly welcomed by journalists and fans, I'm so glad. I can information from friends who've been here, they also can be a very good reception," said Kim Bum on the mat his press conference on Friday afternoon , August 6, 2010 at Mangga Dua Square.

    Kim Bum came to Indonesia after a long preparation. He once said hello to the people of Korea who was in Indonesia.

    Korean actor also talked about the closeness to the players 'Boys Over Flowers' other.

    "I am familiar with Lee Min Hoo, at least three times a week for lunch together. Usually also play ball with Kim Joong Hyu once a week. But lately seldom meet again, so over the phone wrote," he said.

    Before Indonesia, Kim Bum and his colleagues at the BFF also has to meet his fans in Shanghai and Thailand. "Four other BFF personnel also will go to Japan," he said in front of journalists.

    When the fans are allowed in, they immediately saw Kim Bum hysterical. Fans at the VVIP class is allowed only asking for autographs on posters Kim Bum. But there are also fans the 'naughty' and reckless shook Kim Bum.

    There are also fans who use wheelchairs and participate in queue. When giving his signature, Kim Bum seemed always smiling

    for those who do not understand english, I have provided a translator at the right side

     What relationship with Kim Bum health articles:

    Answer: For Someone Who Seeing his idol, thought they would be jerni, their hearts will be quiet, which makes them to think positively, learn more please look at HERE about the benefits of thinking posotif

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    Cara Menurunkan Resiko Storke

    Memakan 3 Pisang Dalan Sehari Dapat Menurunkan Resiko Stroke
    Stroke merupakan nomor tiga dari penyakit mematikan setelah penyakit jantung dan kanker. Oleh karena itu, menjalani hidup sehat adalah solusi sempurna untuk mencegah penyakit berbahaya ini. Salah satu cara yang dapat diambil adalah makan tiga pisang untuk mengurangi risiko stroke.

    Satu buah pisang untuk sarapan, satu untuk makan siang, dan satu di malam hari akan memberikan kalium cukup untuk mengurangi kemungkinan bekuan darah di otak sekitar 21 persen.

    Karena pisang merupakan buah yang banyak mengandung kalium, mineral yang berfungsi untuk menstabilkan detak jantung, otak, dan proses fisiologi penting lainnya.

    Discovery yang dibuat oleh para peneliti Inggris dan Italia menyarankan, stroke dapat dicegah dengan konsumsi makanan yang kaya kalium seperti bayam, kacang-kacangan, ikan, dan kacang-kacangan.

    Meskipun beberapa studi sebelumnya telah menyarankan pisang sebagai buah pencegahan stroke, namun hal-hal penting lainnya adalah untuk mengontrol tekanan darah, karena hasilnya tidak selalu konsisten.

    Dalam sebuah penelitian terbaru, yang dipublikasikan dalam Journal of American College of Cardiology, para ilmuwan menganalisis data dari studi yang berbeda, kembali ke pertengahan 1960-an, dan dikombinasikan hasilnya untuk mendapatkan hasil keseluruhan.

    Mereka menemukan orang hanya mengkonsumsi sekitar 1.600 mg kalium per hari, kurang dari separuh jumlah harian yang direkomendasikan kalium untuk orang dewasa adalah 3500 mg. Jika seseorang sudah mengonsumsi cukup kalium total, dijamin memiliki risiko lebih rendah terkena stroke.

    Pisang rata-rata mengandung sekitar 500 mg potasium, yang membantu untuk menurunkan tekanan darah dan mengontrol keseimbangan cairan dalam tubuh. Terlalu sedikit kalium dapat menyebabkan iritabilitas, mual, detak jantung tidak teratur, dan diare.

    Peneliti dari Universitas Warwick dan Universitas Naples mengatakan asupan kalium di kebanyakan negara jauh di bawah jumlah harian yang disarankan.

    Tetapi jika makanan snack konsumen lebih kaya kalium, dan mengurangi asupan garam, maka tingkat kematian dari penderita stroke di seluruh dunia setiap tahunnya dapat dikurangi lebih dari 1 juta tahun.

    Para peneliti mengatakan dalam laporannya, "Ini akan diterjemahkan ke dalam pengurangan sebanyak 1,15 juta kematian akibat stroke per tahun pada skala dunia."

    Stroke, suatu kondisi yang terjadi ketika suplai darah ke suatu bagian otak tiba-tiba terganggu, menewaskan sekitar 200 orang setiap hari di Inggris.

    Mengobati dan merawat 100 ribu orang terkena stroke setiap tahun di Inggris menelan biaya 2,3 miliar poundsteling.

    Seorang juru bicara untuk Asosiasi Stroke berkata, "Penelitian ini menunjukkan memakan manakan yang kaya kalium, seperti pisang, dan bayam, dapat mengurangi risiko stroke. Tekanan darah tinggi merupakan faktor risiko terbesar untuk studi stroke dan baru-baru ini menunjukkan bahwa potasium dapat membantu menurunkan tekanan darah ini bisa menjelaskan efek positif dari kalium ditunjukkan dalam penelitian ini.. "

    ARTIKEL Kesehatan ===> ===> Guys, Inilah sedikit tentang  Cara Menurunkan Resiko Storke, I Hope you Enjoy it!
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    How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You

     The first dating idea for any man is to make a lovely impression. In your doing so, you don't must speak, dress or do the common things that all the Toms do to receive a first rate girl's attention. Be distinctive, that is all you need. Be a man of his own style. Dress decently - indecency can make be mistaken for arrogance; watch your language - obscene language gives the impression of immaturity, being uncultured and cheap; be a man of lovely habits - don't drink or smoke like any other loser.

    Let's start. Getting a girl of your dreams is much like getting the automobile of your dream. But unlike a automobile which you can always bargain for, there is nothing like a twenty percent discount in courting the girl of your dreams, she is so sweet a thing to be discounted, you dearly are in love along with her and your feelings for her can only be communicated not by the words of the mouth, but by the words of the heart. Getting the girl actually depends on how giant your heart is - faint heart, seldom won fair lady.

    Befriending and understanding the girl you are out to get is the next important thing. This is what I also did. You need to understand that as a lady, he loves to be loved, adores to be adored and needs to be needed. This will move you closer to the girl and you'll get to know what she is in to, what he likes and dislikes, and what her style is. Love is built on friendship and it always leaves individuals better off having known each other ought to they break up. I and my College steady were to break some time later but to date, they are the best of buddies. Be definite that bringing out the selflessness mate in you will make her generate room for you in her heart.

    How to make her fall in love with you? Take your time. Add some romance to your dating style. When in College I had a crush on the most pretty lady in our first year lot. Though all senior guys were out to get that girl, I managed to divert her attention from the other guys. I wrote her letters without disclosing my identity and slid in to her room secretly; all I said was 'Yours Secret Admirer.' The first letter contained the meaning of her name, this I got by fooling around with the initials of her name to make meaning. The second was a comic message that could only be read backwards and it was all about her physique and her smartness. In the third letter I told the girl to be prepared to receive a rose flower from her admirer, but only if he could be kind to phone him using a number that I had included in the letter. The girl did phone me that night, and her first words to me were, "Hallo Secret Admirer." So, the story of our love affair came to be. Later he told me that was so creative of me, no had approached her in that manner. I made her fall in love with me and made a date in the romantic manner.

    A shoulder to lean on and some lovely mate that he can always turn to is all that a lady wishes. don't hesitate to be helpful and supportive. Be that mate who rekindles her zeal of hardworking and restoring hope back in to her life when he looses hope. This above all other things will make you her every day vitamin because you bring out the best in her in terms of character and character. In you, she'll have found that mate whom he can open up to, share with and advice each other on the rights and wrongs, the dos and don'ts of life. Don't forget to always be there to celebrate the lovely times, and to lend an ear when the girl needs you to listen as a mate.

    Make the girl feel special; because she is someone's mate - your mate, and let her know that he has touched your life in a distinctive way like no else could. Compliment her for her company and for being there when you needed her, when you felt mournful and all alone. Show appreciations for the comfort the girl offers you and for making you smirk.

    Her knowing that you were thinking of her when you slipped beneath the softness of your blanket and gave in to the bliss of sweet dreams, will make her go 'my my' and her heart will sing your name all the year round.

    In your day to day talks, share your dreams, your world, and every aspect of your life together with your girl. Always dream along with her, build along with her, and always cheer her on and encourage her. Tell your girl the way you always think about her even when you try not to think about her. Let the girl know that she is your first thing in the morning and the last thing when you go to bed at night.

    Seldom fail to phone her, even when he least expects it. I one time called some girl that I was interested in at o'clock in the morning. When inquiring of what I was doing up so early, I told her I was in thirteenth heaven, where people think of their loved ones when they cannot sleep. Wow! First thing early the next morning, he was at my door with a king-sized hug for me. No matter how lots of dates you take her, don't make any elbow - exceeding moves after any date, drop her home and with a friendly handshake, wish her lovely night. Don't kiss her when he expects you to. Your respect as a gentleman will be earned on how patient you are along with her when it comes to such matters as kissing her and accessing her inner graces.

    You need to be creative and constructive to keep girl's interest in you so filled with life. I keep in mind time I told my girlfriend to be to imagine they are both deaf and dump. They then sat opposite each other on the table and commenced sharing our feelings for each other using eyes and hand signs. It turned out to be some fun. There was also this time that they were in the library and they decided they are not going to speak to each other verbal, so I wrote a love note on a paper and passed it across the table to her, he replied and on and on they carried on our love on paper conversation till they  exhausted a whole rim of paper. At sometime, I noticed that some guys sited with us on the table were enjoying our ordeal than their studies. Such are the things that made the girl embrace my world. I keep in mind her proposing that they play deaf and dump years after they broke up, are you able to imagine that?

    Keep in mind, patience is the key to her heart; be like that gardener watching a fruit as it hangs on the tree, day after day admiring it, but, exercising tremendous self-discipline, neither feeling the fruit, nor pinching it, nor testing it to see if it is prepared. And then, day he holds out his hand and the fruit basically drops in to it, ripe, warm and keen to be eaten.

    The writing is on the wall that you need her, but you cannot have her yet. Increase your demand. Try to show her that men are also hard to get sometimes. Make her recognize that when he feels a small dizzy, a small worn out, a small mournful, a small sick, a lot bored and much cold, she is actually missing vitamin you. By this time, she'll be a lot in to you and since love is truthful and is characterized by open and honest communication, honestly promise her your everlasting devotion, loyalty, respect, and your unconditional love for a lifetime. Show to her that you'll always be there for her, to listen and to hold her hand, and that you'll always do your best to make her happy, and feel loved.

    The patience and self-control which you practice will make you more pretty and charming. This will qualify you as her every day vitamin and win you that heart hers.

    I wish you to meet the girl of your dreams ASAP, make her fall in love with you, and make her feel the happiest girl in the world!

    ARTIKEL Kesehatan ===> ===> Guys, Inilah yang paling lengkap tentang How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You, I Hope you Enjoy it!
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    Tips Pengobatan Kista Sebasea

    Sebaceous Cysts Treatment Tips

    A sebaceous cyst is a closed sac under the skin filled with a cheese-like or oily material. Sebaceous cysts are commonly seen on the scalp, labia, scrotum, chest, and back, but can be found anywhere on the body. A foul odor is also often present in the substance called keratin which fills sebaceous cysts. Keratin is a protein that creates the sac of cells called sebaceous cysts. The bumps or lumps you can feel under your skin are actually the sac of cells. Sebaceous cysts are often the result of swollen hair follicles, or skin trauma. The scalp, ears, back, face, and upper arm, are common sites for sebaceous cysts, though they may occur anywhere on the body except the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. In males a common place for them to develop is the scrotum and chest.

    They are more common in hairier areas, where in cases of long duration they could result in hair loss on the skin surface immediately above the cyst. The main symptom is usually a small, non-painful lump beneath the skin. Small lumps or bumps that occur just under the skin of the genitalia, breast, abdomen, face, neck, or elsewhere on the body are the most common symptom of sebaceous cysts. Sebaceous cysts may occasionally become infected and form into painful abscesses. It is important when sebaceous cysts are surgically removed that the entire sac is excised to help prevent a recurrence. large cysts may reappear and may have to be surgically removed. If a cyst becomes infected, treatment may include administering antibiotics and then surgically removing the cyst.

    Surgical excision of a sebaceous cyst is a simple procedure to completely remove the sac and its contents. Total excision surgical technique removes the entire cyst and so prevents recurrence. Home treatment of sebaceous (epidermal) cyst, may relieve symptoms but may not make the cyst go away. Apply warm, wet washcloths to the lump for 20 to 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day. Inject an inflamed but uninfected epidermoid cyst with a corticosteroid to help reduce the inflammation. To minimize scarring use a carbon dioxide laser to vaporize an epidermoid cyst on your face or other sensitive area. Avoiding excessive sun exposure and using oil-free skin care products can help prevent milia. To prevent scarring and infection, don't try to squeeze cysts yourself.

    Sebaceous Cysts Treatmen and Prevention Tips

    1. Do not squeeze, scratch, drain, open (lance), or puncture the lump.

    2. Keep the area clean by washing the lump and surrounding skin well with an antibacterial soap.

    3. Apply warm, wet washcloths to the lump for 20 to 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day.

    4. Avoiding excessive sun exposure and using oil-free skin care products can help prevent milia.

    ARTIKEL Kesehatan ===> ===> Guys, Inilah yang paling lengkap tentang Tips Pegobatan Kista Sebasea, I Hope you Enjoy it!
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    99% remaja laki-laki di dunia ini pada umumnya pasti sudah pernah melakukan masturbasi / onani, biasanya dilakukan antara umur 17 s.d 20 tahun. Banyak yang mengungkapkan ‘kebiasaan’ ini normal (padahal salah besar), dan tak jarang yang mengatakan ini tidak baik.
    Jika dilihat dari sisi norma manusia dan agama, sudah pasti dilarang.
    saya akan mengajak anda untuk menelaah lebih jauh keburukan dari onani bagi para remaja laki-laki maupun orang dewasa.

    –> Berpotensi terhadap ejakulasi dini kelak jika melakukan hubungan seksual dengan istri.
    –> Resiko terserang kanker prostat di usia senja makin besar.
    –> Kemungkinan Mr. P dan Testis ‘cepat rusak’.
    –> Konsentrasi susah / sulit fokus.
    –> Tidur tidak nyenyak / insomnia.
    –> Jantung berdebar terus menerus.
    –> Paru-paru bekerja tidak optimal / nafasnya cepat.
    –> Kepala sering pusing.

    –> Perasaan bersalah setelah onani.
    –> Pada beberapa kasus, banyak anak muda yang kecelakaan ketika beraktifitas / bekerja akibat tidak fokus / konsentrasi.
    –> Jadi sering melamun.
    –> Berpotensi terserang penyakit psikologi yang bernama ‘Bipolar Disorder’ (Gangguan Bipolar), jika terserang penyakit ini akan sulit disembuhkan, obatnya adalah kekuatan iman. Hasil dari penyakit ini jika makin parah akan menjadi sex maniac / seks maniak.
    –> Jika sudah terbiasa onani, maka ketika ditahan untuk tidak melakukannya, sang sperma akan keluar dengan sendirinya (ini kasus paling kronis). Karena ini adalah hasil dari perintah otak yang tidak dapat ‘menahannya’.
    –> Mudah marah, pelampiasannya adalah onani

    Akibat Onani. Onani atau masturbasi adalah kebiasaan buruk yang hampir semua orang pernah melakukannya terutama laki-laki.
    Onani biasanya di lakukan ketika seorang anak manusia menginjak usia 14 tahun ke atas. Onani dilakukan untuk memuaskan hasrat nafsu manusia yang tidak bisa di lampiaskan dan dilakukan sambil menggosok alat kelamin dengan tangan atau alat tertentu.

    Bagi kaum laki-laki onani bisa berakibat fatal, namun ada juga sebagian orang yang menerangkan bahwa onani itu tidak mempunyai efek negatif. Maka dari itu saya himbau kepada seluruh umat manusia untuk meninggalkan perbuatan keji ini, silahkan renungi fakta-fakta yang telah di bahas pada postingan kali ini

    Berikut di bawah ini adalah efek negatif onani

    Melemahkan Semua indera
    Melemahkan alat kelamin sebagai sarana untuk berhubungan seksual, serta sedikit demi sedikit alat tersebut akan semakin melemah (lemas). dikarenakan mungkin beronani adalah pelepasan nafsu seksual yang salah. seharusnya kan dilepaskan lewat berhubungan badan dengan istri yang sah ( baca juga artikel ini –> Bahaya Pornografi .
    Akan membuat urat-urat tubuh semakin lemah, akibat kerja keras dalam beronani demi untuk mengeluarkan air maninya.
    Sangat mempengaruhi perkembangan alat vital, dan mungkin tidak akan tumbuh seperti yang lazimnya.
    Menyebabkan anggota badan sering merasa gemetaran, seperti di bagian kaki. dsb.
    Onani bisa menyebabkan kelenjar otak menjadi lemah, sehingga daya berpikir menjadi semakin berkurang, daya tahan menurun, dan daya ingat juga melemah.
    Penglihatan semakin berkurang ketajamannya, karena mata tidak lagi normal seperti semula.
    Mata menjadi cekung, tulang pipi menonjol dan ada lingkar hitam sepanjang mata.
    Masturbasi juga dapat menyebabkan pria ejakulasi dini.

    Begitu besar pengaruh Onani bagi kesehatan bahkan kehidupan kita.
    Bagaimana? Kaget? Bingung? Memang fakta-fakta di atas adalah benar adanya. Jadi, cegahlah sejak dini. Lalu, bagaimana cara mencegahnya?
    Ini caranya:

    –> Rajin beribadah / mendekatkan diri ke agama dan hal-hal yang dianjurkan agama.
    –> Lakukan kegiatan positif seperti olah raga yang teratur (ini sangat baik untuk kesehatan) dll.
    –> Hindari pikiran, ucapan, dan perbuatan yang berjenis pornografi / pornoaksi.
    –> Cari pergaulan/teman yang positif / membangun diri kita.
    –> Jangan nonton / download / lihat hal-hal yang menjurus ke arah pornografi / pornoaksi dalam bentuk apapun.
    –> Jika punya ‘koleksi’ di komputer, rak, dan tempat-tempat ‘rahasia’ lain. Binasakan semuanya sedini mungkin.
    –> Dengarlah lagu-lagu yang ‘ear-friendly’. Jangan mendengar lagu-lagu dugem. Bisa memunculkan pikiran negatif.
    –> Kendalikan dirimu sendiri.
    –> Jika teman/relasi/keluarga mengajak beraktifitas / jalan-jalan, usahakan ikut berpartisipasi, jika anda sering berada di rumah / kamar sendirian, makin besar potensi anda untuk onani.
    –> Jangan melamun dengan hal-hal yang tidak baik (Intinya jangan menyendiri).

    ARTIKEL Kesehatan ===> ===> Guys, Inilah yang paling lengkap tentang ONANI, I Hope you Enjoy it!
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